A number of clinical tools have been developed to assist you to deliver ERIC. The ERIC Tools help inform which ERIC skills to focus on and where to start.
The Case Model places the development of ERIC processes and skills within broader explanatory frameworks: developmental and attachment theory and the socioecological model. The case model integrate the ERIC domains into these dominant social, ecological and developmental theories. Building emotion regulation and impulse control skills can help a young person achieve healthy developmental outcomes as they move towards young adulthood.
There are more than 20 ERIC worksheets across the eight domains, each targeting a specific process or skill. There is no particular order to follow when delivering worksheets. Worksheets can be delivered in individual or group-based settings and can be flexibly adapted. Each worksheet follows the same structure making them easy to navigate.
ERIC emphasises flexibly responding to strong emotions by building a broad repertoire of strategies drawn from the ERIC Pyramid. It can be useful to remind young people of this. Applying Often Strategies regularly is a helpful aim, with less frequent use of Sometimes Strategies encouraged. Inevitably, Sometimes Strategies will be used in certain situations even though they are considered unhelpful. The ERIC Table defines the Often and Sometimes Strategies.
The wallet cards are a handy reminder to practice some of the ERIC skills. Print them out to help build helpful new habits.